Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Thank You for the Struggle - Blizzed!

Thank You for the Struggle, our Second City music program show got canceled due to blizzard last Sunday. That means there are only two more chances to see it!

In the meantime it seems timely to look back at our growth over the year.

Our level 5 show was never recorded, but you missed Snowflakes, Resumes, Tokens, Cake Pops and lots of other fun stuff!

From our last class in level 3, photo by Aaron Graham

Here's one of the previews for Thank You for the Struggle, featuring some cool stuff which ended up on the cutting room floor. Guess which one I wrote!

See you at Donny's Skybox, Sundays at 8pm for the next two weeks!

Thank You for the Struggle!

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